
Planned Deployments Calendar

The planned deployments calendar feature gives you an overview of your past and future communications (with the calendar or the list view). You can plan a deployment by adding it directly in a date from the calendar. You can then create the content right now or come back later to edit it. In this interface, you can only add email deployments. However, the calendar displays the deployments created outside of the calendar (emails, SMS and Push).    

Access path: Communications → Planned Deployments

The default view is Month. The Week view is the only mode in which you can see targeted groups for each planned deployment:

Display Filters

You can add filters by clicking the Filter button in the upper part of the page. You can use filters such as channel, communication type or status (see the table below for more details). This helps you to have a clearer view of your planned deployments if your project contains a large quantity.  

Status Description
Created but not prepared.
Waiting for actionWaiting for approval or paused.
RunningCurrently in delivery or soon deployed (approved but not completed).
CompletedHave been sent.
StoppedRejected, cancelled or in error.


Suggestions are displayed by default to inspire you. Two types of suggestions are used: holidays and efficient deployments. You can disable suggestions by unchecking the option in the configuration (the gear icon in the upper right) or by selecting the None option to disable holidays (Events calendar). 

Depending on the platform you're using (Canada or France), the calendar displays the holidays for this country.

Performant Deployments
Performant deployments are calculated based on the deployments that got the highest click rate the previous year in the same period. For example, if you’re viewing the calendar for December 2024, you’ll see the highest-performing deployment from December 2023, assuming you sent at least one deployment during that period). For calculating the highest-performing deployment, deployments delivered to less than 30% of your contact base are excluded. 

Days with High Engagement Potential
Each month, 5 days are selected as good moments to send communications. Days with high engagement potential are determined by calculating engagement using your project's click-rate from the previous years or the data from your industry and country if your project does not have click data yet. These days are represented by a purple lightning.

Deployment Creation

When you create a deployment, the name and the date are not definitive. You can come back later to edit it. Once the name and date are chosen, you’ll be redirected to the deployment detail page. You can then create your message, select your recipients, and choose the send time. You can save and exit at any point, taking you back to the calendar. If your message has not been prepared, it will have the Draft status in both the calendar and the Planned Deployments list. You can return to it later to finish creating your content and prepare your deployment.

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