
Results for Transactions and Revenue

When your project contains an E-commerce structure and you have imported data on contacts and their transactions, statistics will be generated automatically. It may take up to 24 hours before imported data are complied.  

Overview of the project

In Analytics -> E-commerce, you can consult the result summary for the project. To make sure results are up to date, click the update button:For the data of a transaction to be calculated, you must import the data about the contact who made the purchase.

Email Revenue
To see how much revenue an email has generated, go to the email list and click the Statistics button at the en of the line:Attributed revenue shows you the revenues that were generated during a certain period of time according to the clicks and openings (see default configuration a little lower):Results are calculated every 24 hours. 
To modify default settings or the revenu attribution, go to the email channel configurations (the 3 dots in the upper right.), then select Revenue attribution rules:Modify the settings for the delay or the interactions depending on your needs:
Contact Revenue

In the contact's profile, the E-commerce section displays data on transactions for that contact: 

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