
Troubleshooting Common RSS Problems

This article provides troubleshooting information to solve your RSS feed problems. If you need additional information or help with any other issues, please contact our support team.

My feed is not found

A feed that cannot be found may mean that your link has incorrect syntax. Check the link of your feed with a feed validator.

Also make sure that this is the right link and that your feed has not been moved or modified.

Please note that if your site or blog is password protected, we will not be able to access its content.

No content is displayed when I update my feed

When you use the static RSS block and no content is displayed after clicking on the refresh icon, check and make sure your feed is functional and accessible.

My email preview does not display all my articles

Always make sure that the number of articles to be displayed is equal to or greater than the number of articles you have published or selected.

Images of my content break the display of my email

In order to optimize the display of content, especially on mobile phones, images of your RSS articles must be in the tag <enclosure> and not in the tag <description>. This allows Dialog Insight to apply the correct configuration to the image so that it is displayed correctly.

<!-- Here is an example where the image is in the tag <enclosure> -->
Québec rétablit les anciennes règles du Programme de l'expérience québécoise
<guid isPermaLink="true">
<pubDate>Thu, 14 Nov 2019 13:27:55 GMT</pubDate>
<p>Le gouvernement Legault l'officialise dans la <em>Gazette officielle du Québec</em>.</p>
<enclosure type="image/jpeg" length="0" url=",w_635,h_357/v1/ici-info/16x9/legault-francois-premier-ministre.JPG"/>

My email has failed or been paused

When you use the dynamic RSS block, if your feed is not available at the time of sending, your email will not be sent. This failure can be explained by the following reasons:

  • The link in your feed has broken.
    Use a feed validator to correct the situation.
  • No new articles have been published on your site.

Please note that we will try to send your email again for one hour, after which your sending will be paused.

The same content is displayed from one sending to another

When using the dynamic RSS block, the verification of the articles is carried out according to the configuration you have selected (Daily or Weekly). At the time of sending, we check the articles for the last 24 hours for Daily and the last 7 days for Weekly. Make sure to send your campaigns at an interval of more than 24 hours or 7 days, depending on your configuration.

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