
Setting Up the PrestaShop Integration

The PrestaShop integration synchronizes your data. Your products, transactions, carts, orders, contacts and opt-ins are synchronized from your PrestaShop shop to your DI project. If your PrestaShop has products listed in several languages or several stores (different countries), the integration will synchronize the product for each language/country. It is recommended to use a project dedicated to PrestaShop data.

Step 1: Install DI Module in PrestaShop 

Add the Dialog Insight module to your cart on the PrestaShop marketplace :

In Module Manager, click Upload a module, then drag the ZIP file that you downloaded on the market:

Next to Dialog Insight, click Install

Step 2: Activate the Integration in DI

In DI, go to the Integrations section and double-click the PrestaShop integration:

You will have to choose an alias and add the URL domain for your PrestaShop store:

Step 3: Configure the Connection

In DI, go to Configuration on PrestaShop and copy the configuration keys: 

In PrestaShop, go to Module Manager and click Configure next to the Dialog Insight module:

Paste the keys you copied earlier from DI and click Activate module:

Integrate the CRON script to the backend of your store:

Step 4: Map the Fields

Go to DI for the field mapping. The fields are already mapped between PrestaShop and DI, but it is recommended to verify if it corresponds to your structure (remember to check the optin fields).  If you want fields not displayed here for the transaction, product, cart or order tables, you must ask your account's contact person.

Step 5: Import Data

Your data are not automatically imported when the configuration is done (your project is empty). The system is waiting for changes to synchronize the data related to these changes. To make a first import for all your data, click on the import button:

Select the data you want to import:


Synchronized tables
  1. Contacts -> Contact List
  2. Cart -> ECommerce_Cart
  3. Orders -> ECommerce_Transaction 
  4. Products -> ECommerce_Product
You can now consult your E-commerce results.

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