
Best Pratices for Landing Pages

A landing page is any web page that a visitor can arrive at, or "land" on, after following a hyperlink (promotional email, ad banners, etc.). It is usually a standalone page with the main goal of leading the visitor to perform a specific action (download a document, request a quote, schedule a meeting, etc.). To optimize conversions, the landing page must be designed with your campaign goals clearly in mind.

Landing pages are used in targeted advertising campaigns, with preferably specific landing pages dedicated to each campaign. Landing pages are particularly useful for ad campaigns using marketing tactics such as Google AdWords, emails and prints.

Supported Landing Pages Types

The goal of these landing pages is to stir the visitor's interest in learning more. The call to action is a click on a button, an image or a link to meet this conversion goal.
  • Promotional offers (product or service)
  • Promoting a mobile app
(Lead generation)
The goal of these landing pages is to make the visitor fill out a form, usually in order to download or access a document.
  • Download a file (white papers, reports, guides, videos)
  • Subscribe to a newsletter, a blog or any news outlet of interest
  • Register to a live training

Landing Page Content

☑ A clear and appealing title
☑ A subtitle to support the title in indicating the purpose of the landing page
☑ A short description wrapped in a paragraph
☑ A list of reasons or advantages to encourage the visitor to perform the desired action
☑ A visual or a video
☑ A clear call to action, such as a big, bright button
☑ Positive customer reviews or stats (optional)


• Conversion goals
• Visitor recognition
• Visit and conversion statistics
• Results for a landing page

→ Are your landing pages failing to take off?

Recommended Configuration

• Domain name personalization
• A/B testing
• Content personnalisation

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