
Setting Up Product Recommendation

Products synchronized from your Shopify account or imported with other methods to your project can be integrated into your promotional emails. You could suggest new or popular products or promotions. To integrate your products, you need to use these product blocks: 

Block TypeBenefits
  • No prior configuration
  • Insertable inside other blocks of the email
  • Manual setting
  • Static content
  • No prior configuration
  • Reused styles for each product of the block (buttons, fonts, etc.)
  • Manual setting
  • Static content
  • Dynamic content generated by an algorithm of your choice
  • Products are updated at the moment of sending 
  • Required configuration
  • Empty if the algorithm does not target any product

In this article, you will learn how to use these 3 block types. For more information, read the article on available email blocks.


The E-Commerce module must be activated
When you activate the E-commerce module, a relational table for your products is generated:
The Products relational table must contain products
If your table is empty, you can add products manually or by import :
or if you use Shopify and the integration is configured, click on Retrieve your products

Product (single) Block

In the email editor, drag and drop the block into the email: or you can also drag and drop a product from the list below:
Click on the edit icon (pen) in the block:Change the appearance of the block and select the product to display in the email.

Multiple Products Block

In the email editor. drag and drop the block into the email:
Click on the edit icon (pen) in the block:Change the appearance of the block and select the product to display in the email.

Product Recommendation 

Using a Product Recommendation block requires more steps. You must first configure the product recommendation, then integrate the configured recommendation and lastly insert the block into the email. 

Configure product recommendation
In the Products library, select Product recommendations:
Click on Create:
Name your recommendation so it is easier to identify and choose the algorithm that will generate the selection of products to display in your email:
Then, choose the number of products and the targeted period:You could add additional criteria (category, price, recency, source). To avoid the need to update the content manually, you can add Automation. When you are done, you must first click on Save and then on Activate (in this order). To see the list of selected products, click on Consult:

Click on Recalculate to update the list: If you have not configured automation at the previous step, you will need to come here and click on Recalculate to update content before sending a new email.
Integrate the configured recommendation
In the email editor, click on Additional options:In the section Connected tools, click on Add:
Give a name to the configuration, select the recommendation in the drop-down list and indicate the Minimum number of records*:*The Minimum number of records corresponds to the minimum of products that you want to display in this block. This number must not be higher than the number of products calculated in the product recommendation (in the configuration).
Insert the block
In the email editor, drag and drop the block into the email:Click on the edit icon (pen) in the block:Then, choose the recommendation (configuration you have created in the previous step) and the order of the products. To see the results of the recommendation, click on Test.


Results by product
In the Products library, double-click on the product you want to consult. In the product details, click on Results:
Results by email
In the Email section (in Results), consult the email you want to see the results. Then, click on Linked Objects in the Summary menu:

Click on Products:  

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