
Personalizing the Opt-out Form

A default opt-out form is already configured in all DI projects and is linked to opt-out links in DI email templates. This form is dynamic and displays the opt-out options according to the opt-in fields of the project and the communication type linked to the email. If you don't have a consent centre (Law C-28), the opt-out options will be reduced. You can personalize the opt-out form by adding a logo and changing texts and colors as needed. If you need something more elaborate, Dialog Insight can program a custom form for you. In this article, we will see the variations of the form and the editing options.  

Access path: Project → Consent Management → Opt-out Forms

Form Variations

Variation 1: All opt-out options

If you have a consent centre, all opt-out options could be displayed by default:

With a consent centre, when a contact clicks an opt-out button, the contact is unsubscribed and remains an active contact

Opt-in choices (checkboxes) are shown only if the contact has more than one opt-in for that project. The list of checkboxes only shows the active opt-ins for the contact (opt-in fields whose value is "Subscribed"). This is NOT a profile form but only a means of opting out.

You could also remove the opt-in choices by checking Do not display additional subscriptions for the contact.

  • Unsubscribe from this type of communication: The contact unsubscribes to the communication type linked with the email received.
  • Unsubscribe from all communications: The contact unsubscribes from all non-administrative communications from this project. 

Variation 2: Only one opt-out choice

This variation will be displayed if you don't have a consent centre:

If you don't have a consent centre, the contact is deactivated when clicking the opt-out button.

Form Edition

It is possible to personalize the default form by editing the texts or the color of some elements.

In the Content tab, you can edit texts and button labels. You can add an image for a banner displayed in the upper part of the form. 

In the Styles tab, you can change the default colors of the form elements:

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