
Share RSS Content by Email

If you regularly publish content on a website or blog, you can use one of our two RSS content blocks (static or dynamic) to insert your most recent or important articles into your emails. If you do not see these blocs in your email templates, please contact our team.

  • Static: The choice of articles is manual and must be actualized before sending the message.
  • Dynamic: The choice of articles is updated automatically at the moment of the sending or at the specified frequency. 

Add Static RSS 

In the Edition interface, drag a static RSS block in the content of the email and edit it (Learn more on email blocks). Add the feed link and select the elements to display (Category, Publication date, Description and Image): 

In the popup next to the link, click :

Select the articles to display in the email:

Lastly, edit the layout (fonts, colors, etc.). When you are done, remember to validate the rendering. If you have an error message, you can use a feed validator to ensure the link is valid. You can also read Troubleshooting Common RSS Problems.

Add Dynamic RSS

Go to Additional options (the 3 dots in the upper right):

In the Dynamic RSS Feed, click Activate and the link to your feed:

Return to the Edition and drag a Dynamic RSS block to your email. Edit the block to specify the number of articles to display and the elements to include (Category, Publication date, Description and Image):

You can edit fonts, colors and other styles.

You could personalize the email subject line with the title from the first article:


When you are done, don't forget to validate the rendering. If you have an error message, you can use a feed validator to ensure the link is valid. You can also read Troubleshooting Common RSS Problems.

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