
Creating a Registration Process for an Event

An event is an acquisition workflow to get new contacts or additional data on existing contacts. The event management module centralizes all the steps involved in organizing an event, from the registration form to the attendees' list, including creating the invitation message, confirmation messages and other information pages related to the registration.

Access path: Acquisitions → Events

Step 1: Generate the Process 

Follow the access path and click Create an event. Fill-in the required info:Make sure to select the right time zone!

**If you want to offer the event registration form in multiple languages, it is important to specify it here at this initial step, as once the event is created, you can no longer change the languages.

You can then specify other information, such as the maximal capacity for participants and the registration period: *When a maximum capacity is defined, the registration period will end when either the end date or the maximum number of participants is reached.

Step 2: Edit the Form

Click the pen to edit the registration form:A form template is offered by default to help you with the editing. This template comes with predefined fields and texts. You must, however, adjust the template form to your goals. If you want to retrieve more information than the one presented in the template, you must do so from the Form configuration page (see step 3 for more details).

Make sure to edit the content in the French version as well if you use it:

☑ Header and footer
You can add content to the header and footer (your logo, a description, a title, contact details). You must first add a Structure block into which you drag a Content block. Modifications will apply to all the pages of the workflow.

☑ Global configurations (global styles)
You can modify styles for all pages of the workflow. However, if styles are applied to a specific element, this style will prevail for that element and replace the global one.

ContentStyles for texts and links, such as font, size, color, weight, etc.
PagesStyles for the entire page, such as top and bottom spacing, background image and color.
Advanced optionsCSS and favicon.

☑ Form styles
In the main section of the form, modify the colors, widths and fonts of the elements (fields, buttons, texts):

☑ Adding content
The form template comes with only one column that includes predefined sections for the header, the form and the footer. You can add a zone by dragging a structure block (columns) in which you drag content blocks. Editing works the same way as the email editor. The available content elements can be inserted in any section except the section for the form itself (the inputs). In the next step, we will see how to edit or add new fields.   

Block List and Description
ContentSection to type text.
Note that it is possible to insert an image in the text using the hosted or Web image icon.

If you have selected a layout that has more than one column, it will be indicated if it is the left, center or right text. Also, the height of the columns is adjusted based on the column with the most text.
The styles selected within the editor prevail on the global styles set in the Styles section.
StylesSection used to define styles to be applied to all text elements inserted in the content section.
SettingsSection that offers spacing options around the text.
ImageElement that lets you add an image. It can be used to insert your company's logo or an image related to the theme.
In addition to adding an image, you can define its width, alternate text to be displayed when images are not shown, and, if needed, a redirection link to a page to show when the image is clicked.
You can also choose an image that is not yet hosted by clicking Upload an image.
** PNG, GIF and JPG images are best.

Make sure the image dimensions fit. If needed, you can edit your image before inserting it in the message (or form) by clicking on the edit icon. The image editor will open to let you re-size, crop or make any other necessary changes. If you have a lot of images and have created categories to group them, select in the Category list the one to hold your new image, if needed.

Image (URL)Type the URL address of the image or select an image using the file selector displayed when clicking on the image icon .
To make changes to an image, whether it be the size, color, orientation, or any other, click on the edit icon  to open the image editor.
WidthMaximum width of the image, in pixels.
* To be certain the image displays properly, it is recommended to select an image that has the same dimensions as the one you want in your form. Having the right size image reduces downloading time.
**As the content is responsive, the image's size will be adjusted to the display device.
Alt-TextText used in replacement of the image. This text is shown when the image is not displayed or for accessibility purposes for people with a disability or impairment.
LinkComplete URL of the page you want to display when the image is clicked.
SettingsAlignment and padding around the image.
DividerElement that adds a horizontal line, mostly used to separate sections.
StylesSection to define the line's styles.
SettingsSection to define the line's width and spacing.
ButtonElement that adds a call-to-action button, which redirects the visitor to a new page.
ContentSection that lets you define the text to show on the button and the landing page URL.
StylesSection to define the styles applied to the button's text and box.
SettingsSection offers settings to define the width and spacing around the button.
FormThis area displays the input fields used to collect information on the leads. Some fields are already included in the form template, mostly those part of the primary key, which cannot be edited nor deleted as they are required for contact identification in Dialog Insight.
**There can only be one input area per form.
Social media followElement that lets you add links to your social media pages (icons and related links).
The provided images cannot be changed. However, you can choose which one to display and the text and link for each.
ContentSection that lets you choose the applications to display and define the link text and URL.
StylesSection to define the styles applied to all social media links and texts.
SettingsSettings to define spacing, alignment and positioning of application icons.

Step 3: Configure the Fields

☑ Profile update method
In Form configuration, under Profile update, select the profile update method for the contacts. As the information provided in the registration form can be different from the information already in Dialog Insight when the contact already exists in your contact list, it is important to specify how you want it to be processed. When the person who fills the form already exists as a contact in your project, you have to specify how the provided data will be processed.

☑ Default fields
In the Form configuration section, you can modify the fields from the default template. First, check if these default fields fit your needs. You can add new fields depending on the data you want to collect. You can remove fields you don't need. Note that it is impossible to delete fields that are part of the primary key, as this information identifies contacts in the application. Data entered in one of the form inputs will be added to a project field.If you modify a field from a published form, you must update the process to apply these changes.

Field configuration reference 
SectionThe form has only one section by default. If you created another section, you will then have the option here.
FieldName of the selected field. It can be a field from the project or a field specific to the form.
LabelName of the field as it should be displayed on the form. If multiple languages are offered, you will need to specify a label for each language.
**Warning - If a label is not provided for each available language, the default language label will be used.
SourceIndicates where the field comes from. There are 3 possibilities:
  • Form field - The value has to be entered by the person completing the form.
  • Fixed value - Used to assign the same value to all. This field will not be shown on the form, but the fixed value will be registered in the contact's profile.
    If you choose this option, you will need to specify the value to be assigned in the Fixed value field.
TypeAvailable only when the field value comes from the form.
Field used to define the type of value that can be inserted in the field. Any data entered in the field that does not correspond to the indicated type will trigger an error. The available field types are:
  • Textbox - Field that shows a free text area to enter the value.
  • Dropdown list - Field that presents a choice of values in a drop-down list. The choice values and labels are shown in the Choices section.
  • Radio button - Field that offers a choice of responses in the format of radio buttons. The response values and fields are defined in the Choices section.
OptionsAvailable only when the field value comes from the form.
  • Required - Check box used to indicate if it is mandatory to enter a value in this field. When a field is required, it shows an asterisk .
    When a field is required, a rule prevents the contact from being added if no valid value is provided. However, if a default value was defined for the required field, the contact will be added, with the default value. Therefore, make sure to define a default value for your required fields if you want the participant to be added as a contact.
  • Multiline - Option to show a text box field on multiple lines. The number of characters that can be entered depends on the maximum length specified.
Maximum lengthAvailable only when the field value comes from the form.
The length of the value in number of characters, only for text fields.
Default valueAvailable only when the field value comes from the form.
Default value to assign to a REQUIRED field if no value is provided.
If a default value is provided for a required field, the contact will be added even if no value was provided.

☑ Field labeld layout
Under the Form options tab, define how you want field labels to display, either on the left, right or inside of the input area.

☑ Authentication process
If you want to be sure that the person who fills the form is a real person, it is recommended that you enable the reCAPTCHA option so that a validation question is added to the form.

If the registration form is displayed under a domain name other than, you will first need to register the domain used on reCAPTCHA to get your private and public keys. To register your site or domain with reCAPTCHA, go to and follow the instructions provided. Once saved, reCAPTCHA will give you private and public keys that you'll need to enter in Dialog Insight.

To enable the authentication option:

  1. Check the Use Google Recaptcha option.
  2. Click Manage keys.
  3. Choose your domain, if already configured. If not, click Add a key to register your domain name or the page to display the registration form, and specify the public and private keys that were assigned by reCAPTCHA when opening an account.

Step 4: Edit the Error Pages

Redirection pages are already configured for different use cases. You can can edit the message in the pages (for each language).If you haven't yet done it, edit the global styles (see step 2). The global styles apply to all pages.

Invalid accessPage that displays when access to the form is not possible for any of the following reasons:
  • bad connection,
  • the event has not yet been published, but an invitation to the event, with a link to the registration form, has been sent,
  • the link was not copied properly in the browser.
In such a situation, you must invite the contact to try again later.
Registration not startedPage that displays when the registration period is not yet started but the link to the registration form is already online, thus accessible. Here, your message should invite the visitor to come back later to register and maybe indicate when registration starts or to unpublish the event.
End of registrationPage that displays when the registration period is over and registrations are no longer possible.
Closed registration (full)Page that displays when registrations are no longer possible because the maximum number of participants has been reached.

Step 5: Configure the Confirmation Sequence

The confirmation sequence contains different messages and redirection pages to configure (most are optional):***Can be activated, optional.

If you haven't yet done it, edit the global styles (see step 2). The global styles apply to all pages.

Successful registration
A landing page to confirm the registration is successful. You can edit the text if needed. 

Obtain iCal file
An iCalendar file can be sent by email after the registration. The Registration message sequence must be activated. You can add info, such as a link for an online event. An iCalendar file is used to add the event to an agenda (e.g. Outlook).

Registration messages
The Event process has the option to send 2 confirmation messages. One is for the person who registered and the other is for a data manger inside your company. The text for the participant email is editable, as the other for the admin is not.

Registration notificationMessage sent to the event administrator to let him/her know that a new person has registered.
You must specify all administrators to whom you want to send registration notifications. You can have only one recipient or more.
To add a new administrator, click Add a user and choose one in the list of users.

To do for each registration language:

  • A subject for the message
  • The name and email of the sender
  • Select users to send notifications to
Registration messageMessage sent to the person who registered to confirm registration. A cancellation link is offered in case the person decides not to attend or cannot attend anymore. By cancelling the registration, the place will be freed for someone else.
In addition, if the option Ask for confirmation was enabled, the message will also include a link for the person to officially confirm registration.
To do for each registration language:
  • A subject for the message
  • The name and email of the sender
  • A link to cancel registration
  • A link to confirm registration (if this option was enabled)

Confirmation and cancellation links
Links for confirmation and for cancellation are configured and integrated into the confimation message if they are activated. The confirmation link can redirect to a successful or declined confirmation. The cancellation redirects to a cancellation received.   

Cancellation receivedPage that displays when a registration confirmation message is sent to a person to confirm registration, but the person decides to cancel the registration after all. This page confirms that the cancellation request was received and processed.
Successful confirmationPage that displays when a registration confirmation message is sent to a person to confirm registration and that the person does confirm. This page confirms that the registration was received and processed.
Declined confirmationPage that displays when a registration confirmation message is sent to a person to confirm registration and that person confirms, but registration is no longer possible because the maximum of participants is reached.

Step 6: Publish the Form

Before publishing, verify the rendering by clicking Preview in the upper right of the form edition. After the validation, you can publish the form.

Step 7: Integrate the Form

You can insert the link to access the registration form in a message or on your website, for example. You could also include the link in an interceptor. 

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