
Defining Conditions

Whether you want to apply conditions to versions of a message, to create groups, or for any other feature, conditions are defined based on the data found in the contact profile, or in a custom table in the project.

You can define conditions yourself, or ask Dialog Insight to do it for you (fees may apply).

In Dialog Insight, it is possible to set conditions based on any field in the project of in a custom table in the project. When the data comes from the contact database, you need to add the prefix f_ in front of the field code.

The basic structure is as follows:

  • Contact.f_fieldcode == "value"

To create the English version of a message, and assuming that the code for the language field is "Language", here is what you would have as a condition:

  • Contact.f_Language == "en-US"

It is important to respect lower/upper cases. For instance, "Contact" must always start with a capital letter.

Following are some examples, based on the field type:

Text field

  • Contact.f_Language == "english"

Number field

  • Contact.f_idMember< 1000

Date field

  • Contact.f_RenewalDate > 2000.01.01

True/False field

  • Contact.f_Member == 1
  • Contact.f_Member == 0

Other examples

  • Value of "Number" field is between 1000 and 2000:
    • Contact.f_Number > 1000 && Contact.f_Number < 2000
  • Value of "Price" field is equal to 20 or 25 $ :
    • Contact.f_Price == 20 || Contact.f_Price == 25

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