
Setting Up the Shopify Integration

The Shopify app store offers the Dialog Insight app, which allows you to link your Shopify shop to your Dialog Insight project. After configuring the Shopify integration in your project, your contacts, orders, products and carts will be imported and synchronized in real-time. 


Create the structure of the project
Create contact fields that will be used to stock your customers' data from Shopify when synchronizing. It will be possible to add fields later if needed. For more information on projects and fields, see this article. If you are using a Single Customer View project, see the instructions below.   
See instructions for a Single Customer View project

Each project requires a primary key (an ID to identify each contact and to ensure there are no duplicates). In a SCV structure, the secondary project used must be dedicated to your shop, you must create a primary key corresponding to the Shopify ID (we import the Shopify IDs and stock them in the primary key).  

When you create a project, you must choose one of these two options for your primary key:If you do not choose one of these 2 options, it will be impossible to activate the Shopify integration in your project.

If you choose option 1, a ClientNo primary key will be generated automatically.
If you choose option 2, you will need to create a custom field (with Text format) defined as your primary key:  

Step 1: Connect the Store

To start, go to Integrations and click on the edit button (pen) of the Shopify integration: 

Fill in the domain name of your Shopify store:

Your store is now connected:You may be required to connect to your Shopify account and to install Dialog Insight's integration.

Step 2: Validate the Mapped Fields

The fields imported from your store have been assigned to a destination in your DI project. We recommend you ensure that this structure works with your Contact table. By clicking Customize my configurations (see Step 1), you will see the tables from which data are synchronized:You can uncheck one of these tables if you don't want its data to be synchronized.

In the left menu, you can consult the mapping for the tables:You could leave the mapping as it is by default. If you wish to synchronize other data, you must add them manually by clicking Add. The fields for Contact are editable, as those for the E-commerce tables are not. The E-commerce tables have been generated automatically in your project when you have connected your store.   

Step 3: Import Data

The tables in your project are ready to receive data, but no data has been synchronized yet. You must make a first import to synchronize past data. Otherwise, you can wait for the arrival of new data in your store, which will then be synchronized in real-time. 

To import, click on Import my data (see Step 1). To modify the import period, click the gear next to the table:


Synchronized tables
  1. Carts -> ECommerce_Cart
  2. Orders -> ECommerce_Transaction
  3. Products -> ECommerce_Product

You can now consult the results of your E-commerce.

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