
Comment comprendre les erreurs de connexion SFTP ?

Il peut y avoir plusieurs raisons qui expliquent un problème de connexion sur un serveur SFTP, mais ce n'est pas toujours simple de comprendre le message qui explique la raison.

Voilà donc un tableau présentant les différentes erreurs qui peuvent être rencontrées, ainsi qu'une brève description de l'erreur.

(Le tableau est présenté en anglais puisque les messages d'erreur s'affichent en anglais.) 

MessageValeurDescription (en anglais)
ERROR_SSH_INVALID_IDENTIFICATION_STRING1 (0x0001)Invalid identification string of SSH-protocol
ERROR_SSH_INVALID_VERSION2 (0x0002)Invalid or unsupported version
ERROR_SSH_INVALID_MESSAGE_CODE3 (0x0003)Unsupported message code
ERROR_SSH_INVALID_CRC4 (0x0004)Message CRC is invalid
ERROR_SSH_INVALID_PACKET_TYPE5 (0x0005)Invalid (unknown) packet type
ERROR_SSH_INVALID_PACKET6 (0x0006)Packet composed incorrectly
ERROR_SSH_UNSUPPORTED_CIPHER7 (0x0007)There is no cipher supported by both: client and server
ERROR_SSH_UNSUPPORTED_AUTH_TYPE8 (0x0008)Authentication type is unsupported
ERROR_SSH_INVALID_RSA_CHALLENGE9 (0x0009)The wrong signature during public key-authentication
ERROR_SSH_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED10 (0x000A)Authentication failed. There could be wrong password or something else
ERROR_SSH_INVALID_PACKET_SIZE11 (0x000B)The packet is too large
ERROR_SSH_HOST_NOT_ALLOWED_TO_CONNECT101 (0x0065)Connection was rejected by remote host
ERROR_SSH_PROTOCOL_ERROR102 (0x0066)Another protocol error
ERROR_SSH_KEY_EXCHANGE_FAILED103 (0x0067)Key exchange failed
ERROR_SSH_INVALID_MAC105 (0x0069)Received packet has invalid MAC
ERROR_SSH_COMPRESSION_ERROR106 (0x006A)Compression or decompression error
ERROR_SSH_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE107 (0x006B)Service (sftp, shell, etc.) is not available
ERROR_SSH_PROTOCOL_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED108 (0x006C)Version is not supported
ERROR_SSH_HOST_KEY_NOT_VERIFIABLE109 (0x006D)Server key can not be verified
ERROR_SSH_CONNECTION_LOST110 (0x006E)Connection was lost by some reason
ERROR_SSH_APPLICATION_CLOSED111 (0x006F)User on the other side of connection closed application that led to disconnection
ERROR_SSH_TOO_MANY_CONNECTIONS112 (0x0070)The server is overladen
ERROR_SSH_AUTH_CANCELLED_BY_USER113 (0x0071)User tired of invalid password entering
ERROR_SSH_NO_MORE_AUTH_METHODS_AVAILABLE114 (0x0072)There are no more methods for user authentication
ERROR_SSH_ILLEGAL_USERNAME115 (0x0073)There is no user with specified username on the server
ERROR_SSH_INTERNAL_ERROR200 (0x00C8)Internal error of implementation
ERROR_SSH_NOT_CONNECTED222 (0x00DE)There is no connection but user tries to send data
ERROR_SSH_CONNECTION_CANCELLED_BY_USER501 (0x01F5)The connection was cancelled by user
ERROR_SSH_FORWARD_DISALLOWED502 (0x01F6)SSH forward disallowed
ERROR_SSH_ONKEYVALIDATE_NOT_ASSIGNED503 (0x01F7)The event handler for OnKeyValidate event, has not been specified by the application
ERROR_SSH_TCP_CONNECTION_FAILED24577 (0x6001)TCP connection failed. This error code defined in SBSSHForwarding unit.
ERROR_SSH_TCP_BIND_FAILED24578 (0x6002)TCP bind failed. This error code defined in SBSSHForwarding unit.

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