
Create a Permission Group

PrerequisiteTo create a permission group, you must have a permission of the following branch:
OFSYSMaster > Account management > User management > Edit > Edit permissions > User groups
Access PathAccount Management > Users > Permission groups

How To

  1. In the page listing the existing permission groups, click on the Create a group link.
  2. In the creation page, specify the name you want to give to the group
  3. Click on Add
  • The group edit page is then displayed and shows the permissions tree, the same as the one offered to define a user's permissions.

To assign permissions one by one, follow the instructions in this article.

To assign permissions to a user once the group is created, follow the instructions in this article.

Note: The use of permission groups is very useful if you have several users to whom you want to grant the same permissions, or if there is a frequency in this assignment routine. 

Using permission groups is the fastest way to make this assignment.

How to

  1. Once in the Permissions section, go to the Permissions Groups tab.
  2. Use the drop down arrow to see the available permission groups (both default and custom ones)
  3. Select the one you are interested in and click Assign.
  4. The permissions group then falls into the Assigned Permissions area.
  5. You can add more than one permission group to a user by selecting another group and then clicking Assign
  6. Repeat these steps as many times as necessary.

Do you wish to create a new group of permissions? This article explains the necessary steps.

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